Wednesday, May 25, 2011

Tear it down!! Brick by fucking brick!!!

First news story of the week to put a real, true, genuine smile on my face.

This article here is dated February 2nd, when the settlement had originally been reached. Today the settlement officially gained preliminary approval.

The San Francisco Gate reporting that Bank of America has settled for over $400 million in a case regarding fraudulent over-draft fees.

Bout fucking time. Now if only we could manage to actually throw some of these damned criminals in jail instead of letting them settle like this. Vaguely reminiscent of that story I brought up a while back of the CIA-contractor who killed two Pakistani men in the streets and was able to walk away a free man after paying the court appointed "blood debt".

Ah, but in that time honored corporate catch phrase so often used to ameliorate any sense of responsibility, "It is what it is." Take heart in this tiny step, and let's hope that we can keep the momentum going and bring these monolithic soul-crushing machines a few more rungs down the ladder.

"C'mon Pookie, let's burn this mother down!!!"

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