Wednesday, June 29, 2011

Prayers were ah struck by ah rightring!!

Translation: Players were struck by lightning!

Yes, I'm horribly offensive and politically incorrect. Still rubbing sleep out of my eyes, leave me alone.

From Yahoo!: North Korea blame loss to U.S. on players getting struck by lightning

All praise and glory to the Dear Leader, and through him the rapturous talents of the North Korean Women's soccer (sorry, football) team! Though they faced disgrace, and likely execution, after their loss to the American Women's soccer team, at least they know they performed to the best of their ability in the face of the open scorn of mother nature.

In a press statement released to the BBC, Korean coach Kwang Min Kim claimed that the reason for his team's loss was not the superior abilities of the American team, but rather that several of his players, including the goal tender, had been struck by lightning during a practice. The team physicians had ruled that the players were medically unfit to take the field, but the fervor and glory of the World Cup is such that they disregarded the warnings of their doctors to take on the Western heathens on the field.

Fortunately for the North Koreans, this loss has absolutely no effect on the Dear Leader's dreams of world domination.

He's a very, very busy boy.

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